Thrive was founded with the purpose of shining a light on diversity at work, and on improving well-being in the workplace. We are well equipped to support your organisation with employee wellbeing, either in isolation or alongside our comprehensive HR offering.
What Our Clients Say
The mental health first aider training with MHFA England gave us a far deeper understanding of mental health and its different forms. It also provided us with a simple structure in which to implement genuine support in the field, and also proactively encouraged us to empathise with anyone who we come into contact with. Mental Health training should be understood and prioritised by every business, as it’s the lack of understanding that hides it behind closed doors, or it only rears its head when it’s been allowed to manifest, prolonging the time needed off work.

I’ve been working with Jodie and her team for about 6 months now. It’s very easy to summarise when I am one of those who has historically found Lawyers…well….let’s just say ‘difficult’ to deal with’…here is not the place to rant! In stark contrast, Jodie and her team are an absolute delight to deal with – a breath of fresh air from the ‘typical’ thing we get from Lawyers. All the expertise but a big helping of real world, simple explanation and practical application.
Why can’t every Law Firm be like this? If you haven’t even had a conversation yet, you’re missing out. If you leave it ’til later, you’ll then wonder why you didn’t have the conversation sooner. Seriously!
Jodie is a highly engaging and empathetic lawyer who makes an often difficult and emotional topic for many very clear. Her recent webinar with Furlearn (13-Nov-20) was more than just educational: Jodie’s demonstration of her ability to answer individual issues quickly and clearly was illuminating and her care for her clients’ welfare was obvious to see.
Jodie is the kind of person who everyone should have leading them through any legal procedures. Her advice & calm demeanour are extremely reassuring. Don’t let this mislead you…..the iron fist in the velvet glove springs to mind! She is so well informed and genuinely cares about her clients. I’d certainly recommend you speak with her for any legal advice that you may require. Oh, her team are pretty awesome too including Baxter the dog! I am thrilled with the service I received from Thrive Law, a legal firm who do really care about people.
Jodie and the team at Thrive Law are inspirational – we are thrilled to have found such an exceptional partner! Boxclever is a growing, fast paced agency full of senior people so we are hard to impress, but the Diversity and Inclusion workshops that Thrive delivered were game changing. Rich and relevant content, delivered conversationally and in line with our brand, and of course grounded in up to date legal case history ensured our team were challenged, excited and motivated. It’s made us think differently in a way that will live on in the organisation for a long time. Thank you Thrive!

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