Employment LawFlexible WorkingFor EmployeesFor EmployersHuman ResourcesLaw UpdatesStatutory Payments and National Minimum Wage IncreaseAs of 1 April 2024, the National Minimum Wage (NMW) increased to: 21 and over:…Published 5th April 2023
Employment LawFor EmployersHuman ResourcesLaw UpdatesGender Pay Gap Reporting – The Deadline is Soon!Are you a private company? On 5 April 2022, did you have more than 250…Published 30th March 2023
Employment LawFlexible WorkingFor EmployeesFor EmployersHuman ResourcesInclusionMaternity LeaveThrive LifeThrive ThoughtsWellbeing & inclusive workplacesWomen EmpowermentWorking ParentsHow to Support Employees Returning from Maternity or Parental LeaveReturning from maternity or parental leave can be very daunting for a parent. We should…Published 29th March 2023
Case UpdatesEmployment LawFor EmployeesFor EmployersHuman ResourcesLaw UpdatesPart-year workers & full-time paid holiday allowance: What the Supreme Court ruling meansHoliday pay: 12.07% of annual earnings calculation should not be used for part-year workers. The…Published 28th July 2022
Flexible WorkingFor EmployeesFor EmployersHuman ResourcesThe 4-day working week: How would this work practically & is it realistic?The modern work environment is becoming increasingly flexible, with working from home is more and…Published 15th June 2022
DiscriminationEmployment LawFor EmployeesFor EmployersHuman ResourcesLGBTQ+PrideLGBTQ+ Employee Rights in the WorkplacePride month, is a reminder that the fight against discrimination in the work place around sexual…Published 8th June 2022
CoronavirusEmployment LawFor EmployeesFor EmployersHuman ResourcesMental HealthCOVID Government Update – What Has Changed – 21st February 2022How will the changes impact me & my workplace? Changes from 24th February ❎ People who…Published 22nd February 2022
Black Lives MatterDiscriminationEmployment LawFor EmployersHuman ResourcesWellbeing & inclusive workplacesPositive Action v Positive Discrimination in RecruitmentFollowing a webinar which the Thrive team lead for Amazing Apprenticeships, wewanted to follow up…Published 18th October 2021
Employment LawFor EmployersHuman ResourcesDisciplinary proceduresAn employer can start formal disciplinary action against an employee if they have concerns about…Published 27th January 2021
Human ResourcesThe benefits of outsourcing your HR to solicitors for your businessWe offer an outsourced HR service. This blog is to outline the different advantages which…Published 14th December 2020