Employment LawFor EmployeesFor EmployersUnfair DismissalBeing dismissed from your job role can be devastating and can often feel unfair. If…Published 2nd September 2020
For EmployersFurloughFurlough and Annual Leave: How does it work?We have updated this blog on 22 April 2020 to reflect the recent government guidance…Published 2nd April 2020
CoronavirusFor EmployersThe Coronavirus Act 2020Due to the vast amount of changes brought in during March, the Coronavirus Act 2020…Published 2nd April 2020
DiscriminationFor EmployersWorkplace Accessibility: Is your workplace accessible to people with disabilities? Guest blog by Lucy Dunhill – client of Thrive Law What makes a work…Published 2nd April 2020
CoronavirusFor EmployersCoronavirus – FAQ’sThrive Law have helped hundreds of anxious people at this difficult time for FREE via coronavirus@thrivelaw.co.uk…Published 24th March 2020
CoronavirusFor EmployersIn the News: Coronavirus Employer obligationsLast Updated: 24 March 2020 Due to the nature of the virus and the fact…Published 24th March 2020
CoronavirusFor EmployeesFor EmployersUK in Lockdown – What You Need to KnowBoris Johnson announced a nationwide lock-down in a bid to stop the coronavirus outbreak and…Published 24th March 2020
For EmployeesFor EmployersFurloughThrive ThoughtsThe F Word – FurloughSince the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme was announced, we have been inundated with queries…Published 23rd March 2020
Employment LawFor EmployersShort Time and LayoffsWith the current uncertainty and anxiety about the economy, many companies are giving serious considerations…Published 23rd March 2020