The benefits of outsourcing your HR to solicitors for your business

Human Resources

We offer an outsourced HR service. This blog is to outline the different advantages which you get when you use that service, rather than continuing to do all your HR in-house or (for small SMEs) yourself.

Confidentially by outsourcing HR to Solicitors 

 Why should you outsource your HR services to solicitors? Getting your HR services from a solicitor means, should a case ever proceed to tribunal everything we have ever discussed is protected by legal privilege meaning all conversations are protected. Whereas if you were to use an HR consultant, all conversations and documentation regarding that employee would be disclosable in court. 

Many similar HR support businesses use HR advisors who aren’t trained lawyers and then need to refer your case onto lawyers to deal with any complicated issues, we can be with you as your trusted partner from start to finish.

Advances time management

 As an owner-run company ourself, we know the pains of having to wear many hats and how time is precious. As qualified employment and HR lawyers, we know the consequences of getting HR decisions wrong. Outsourcing your HR means you can focus on what you really need to be doing in the business with the peace of mind that all letters and decisions are run past a qualified lawyer before you implement them.

 It can be hard to juggle employee management, dealing with employee issues as they arise and ensuring all your contracts and handbooks are compliant and up to date. Outsourcing these tasks frees up your time and increases productivity to focus on what you’re an expert at, your business.  Even the idea of how much time you would save sounds good, doesn’t it? It’s the new and most efficient way to do business.

Our outsourced HR service is provided by regulated lawyers ensuring you get the quality and honest advice at all times. We don’t operate in large call centres so you will always be speaking to our dedicated team who will personally know you and your business.

Compliance with employment law & risk management

With the current happenings, and continuous changes in government guidance daily it can be challenging to keep on top of the ever-changing legislation but that’s why we are here to help.

Furlough, the new Job Support Scheme (see blog here for everything you need to know on this) Redundancy and Workplace Health and safety updating all the time, it is beneficial to have an expert updating you as new guidance or laws are released so you can remain compliant with laws that relate to your business. Not updating your business policies or practices in accordance with changes in relevant laws can cost you a lot of money in fines. This can also be very time consuming and stressful should this lead to claims being brought against you.

As solicitors and HR experts we are always up to date with these changes and we will work with you in reducing your risk of legal issues arising. This will also ensure your business is compliant with the correct awards and paying your employees accordingly.


As business owners we understand how finances play a part in decisions around HR; our HR service is based upon a monthly direct debit at fixed cost so you know your HR costs are covered whilst risk is minimised, and you can focus on running your business.

Not only does outsourcing HR avoid the need to pay an in-house HR team salary but working with experts will reduce the risk of employees bringing claims to a tribunal if all the process and procedures are correct in the first instance.

Unlimited access to HR specialists

We offer a 24/7 service so that you will have advice on-demand for when you need it. We understand as business owners that business never stops so we are on call whenever you need us.

Our fixed fees are based on the size of your business and how many employees you have. We estimate your fee based on how much work would need to be done based on the number of employees you have. This means that there is no limit to the number of calls you can make to us or emails you send us. You have unlimited access to our knowledge, if you have an HR question, our qualified solicitors have the answer for you. We are always one phone call away.

Want to know more about Thrives HR services for your business?

If you still have questions or wondering when or how you can join the many others in outsourcing your own businesses Human Resource Management, get into contact with us and we will answer all those concerns.

Get in touch today to invest in your business and make your HR stress free. Email


 Please note this blog is for reference purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your specific circumstances should always be sought separately before taking or deciding not to take any action. Please contact us if you have any questions on

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