
Climbing for a cause: Thrive conquers Pen Y Ghent in charity wellbeing walk

At Thrive Law, we understand that wellbeing extends beyond the office and into every aspect of life.

As a result of our regular Mental Health Risk Assessments, one anonymous result was a need for the team to improve their steps. Ever since, our Wellbeing Committee has been leading on initiatives to encourage movement across the team.

This culminated in a group hike up Pen y Ghent, which also helped us to experience the physical and mental benefits of overcoming a challenge as a team. This adventure wasn’t just about physical exertion, but a holistic approach to mental health. The activity helped release endorphins, which can effectively reduce stress, enhance mood, and promote overall wellbeing!

Additionally, the hike contributed to improved sleep quality (which was another result of our Risk Assessments which we’re working to improve).

We also used the hike as a fundraising opportunity, for Team Verrico. This is a charity close to our hearts who has recently provided irreplaceable support to a young friend diagnosed with breast cancer. The team at Thrive would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has donated!

We are proud of our achievement as a team for successfully reaching the peak and carried the feelings of self-empowerment, renewed energy and motivation back down the peak and into the office!

Here is what our walkers thought of the day!!

Jodie Hill – “Despite the rain and wind it was so nice to see everyone off a screen and outside. I was super proud by everyone’s positive mental attitude in getting the walk done, especially given the conditions and it was so lovely to see everyone helping each other throughout the day.”

Katie Elvidge – “The walk was so much more challenging than I was expecting but it was so worth it! Was so nice to spend time with everyone outside of the office and in the fresh air. I’m so proud of us all for getting through it together, especially considering the horrible weather conditions!!”

Roshni Punja – “It was not our usual team day but it was so nice to have a screen-free day and be outside, despite the weather conditions. The walk was definitely a challenge but a wonderful way to round up our steps challenge, which everyone has been working so hard for!”

Ashmina Vekaria – “Climbing Pen Y Ghent was definitely a challenge (although we did not anticipate the rock climbing!) but it was nice to spend time away from the screen and be outside with the team. We all supported each other and managed to reach the summit in good time despite the weather and poor visibility! Grateful for the team.”

Millie Creber – My favourite part of the day was seeing everyone working together so beautifully and looking out for one another. The weather was poor and the challenge was tough – but we got it done – as a team – and I couldn’t be more proud of us.”

Annabelle Oliver – “It was a lovely experience planning the walk and seeing everyone come together to conquer it.“

The Thrive Tribe had a great day spending time together, surrounded by stunning landscapes (that we could just about see through the fog!) and fresh air. This adventure highlighted to us all how simple yet powerful wellness initiatives can be in building resilient, happy, and productive teams!! This hike up Pen y Ghent was not just a physical journey, but a celebration of our commitment to fostering a positive workplace culture, focused on employee wellbeing and all for a great cause!

For more information and to donate to Team Verrico please visit

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